Saturday, February 15, 2025
Home > Events > Local 332 Members Walk to Fight Prostate Cancer

Local 332 Members Walk to Fight Prostate Cancer

If there is one thing you can say about members of Laborers’ Local 332, it is that we are fighters! Our members came out to the Gary Papa’s 5 mile walk to fight against Prostate Cancer. It was a day of fun, fellowship, and goodwill as members walked in solidarity with others to raise awareness of this terrible disease. Prostate Cancer has a huge impact on African American males. According to an article in the Journal of Cancer Research, no race or ethnic group suffers more:

“For decades, African-American men have had the highest prostate cancer incidence rate of any raciallethnic group in the world. At 261.9 new cases per 100,000 in 1993, their rate is two-thirds higher than whites and more than twice as high as rates for Asian-Americans.”

Laborers’ Local 332 is proud to head up the fight against these disease which has claimed several of our own members! Alan Parham, an administrator at Laborers District Council of Philadelphia and Vicinity (LDC) spoke at the Gary Papa Walk and noted that LDC has set a goal of getting 50% of our members screened for prostate cancer by next year.

Join the fight and get screened! More information on how you can get screened will be available soon. Click HERE to see our picture gallery of this event.