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A Moving Tribute to Special Local 332 Members

At our 2nd Annual “Winds Beneath Our Wings” Dinner, we  honored the hard work and dedication of some unique Laborers Local 332 members. The dinner was supported by Laborers District Council, LECET of Philadelphia, and Laborers Local 332 to raise money for the Emergency Relief Fund. This Fund was established to assist  union members who suffer an hardship. It provides funds to members who encounter devastating experiences such as fire, foreclosures, evictions, and funerals.
Business Manager Sam Staten Jr captures the our deep appreciation for these special members here:
[box] From Business Manager of Laborers Local 332, Sam Staten Jr on our special honorees:

“I am extremely pleased to present Local 332’s 2013 Wind Beneath Our Wings Awards to our ten honorees tonight. This award is the highest honor bestowed by Local 332 upon a member in good standing. Each and every one of these honorees deserves the recognition they will receive tonight. They truly embody what it means to be a union brother or sister.
The men and woman we honor tonight are but an example of the hundred of brothers and sisters who give their time and talent to raise funds for scholarships, raise funds for emergency assistance to our members, man our Election Day operations, provide security at our events, serve meals, raise thousands of dollars for charity, and so much more. Though we recognize these honorees tonight, I want to say thank you to the hundreds of Local 332 members who contribute to this organization in so many ways. We owe each of you a debt of gratitude for the services you provide to our organization, the many other organizations you serve and the families and individuals who live better lives because of your contributions.

I would like to also take this opportunity to thank all of those who have supported this event, some for both years.

To the honorees, on behalf of the entire 332 Family, I want to say congratulations and I want to express how proud we, your union family, are to honor you tonight. We are proud to hold you up before your families, the public, and to our membership as the caliber and example of what makes Local 332 special and successful.

We salute you tonight. Thank you for all that you have done and all that you continue to do for Local 332.”


Sam Staten Jr [/box]

This was truly a evening of celebration and fun. Take a look at our picture gallery from this wonderful event.

Click the ‘i’ in the right hand corner for more details