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A Call To Action-Members of Laborers’ Local 332

“We need people to start caring about where they live”
Laborers’ Local 332 Business Manager Sam Staten Jr

To this point in 2018, there have been 580 shootings in the city of Philadelphia. The level of violence, drugs, and crime has diminished the quality of life for many of Philadelphia’s residents. Too many of our streets have become unsafe for our children. These conditions led to a special call-out for a group of concerned men in our communities. On Thursday, June 21st a program held at the People’s Sanctuary on 55th and Germantown Ave in Philadelphia. The event was entitled “Making Our Communities A Decent & Safer Place to Live” and organized by the Father’s Day Rally Committee, Inc. It featured community activist Bilal Qayyum, former Police Commissioner Sylvester Johnson, Laborers’ Local 332 Business Manager Sam Staten Jr, along with other community activists and groups.
The members of Laborers’ Local 332 came out in substantial numbers to support this community effort. One of the central themes now emanating from our leadership at Local 332 is the critical importance of helping our community. So it was no surprise to see the meeting filled with the orange, LIUNA shirts of our members. Take a look at our picture gallery of this event.

The members of Laborers’ Local 332 are ready to support the effort to revitalize our communities. As Mr. Staten made clear, our efforts will start small with people volunteering to clean up our communities. We believe this will help to create better environments that will reduce the violence, drugs, and crime in our neighborhoods. The presence of hard-working family men-our members at Local 332-can have a considerable impact. It’s time for men to step up in our community. And the Laborers’ of Local 332 will be right there!