Laborers’ Local 332 is not simply a Laborers’ Union. We are caring parents, neighbors, concerned members of a community.
We care deeply about our children and people who need help!
So every year during this Christmas holiday season, we give toys, coats, and other items to the children of men and women in selected homeless shelters. Local 332 invited the kids and their parents to a special magic show with refreshments for the kids to have fun. And then distributed the toys, bikes, coats, school supplies, and other items to help our children.
Our ‘Toys for Tots’ Program helps kids in tough situations feel just a little bit better.
“Its all about our children. They are our future” Business Manager Sam Staten Jr said in relation to this great program.
This year the “Toys 4 Tots” program went to support the Salvation Army’s Red Shield Family Residence Program. This program provides housing for families of all religious denomination until they can find affordable housing. Vivian Hill, the Lead Case Manager of the Philadelphia Red Shield Program said “We work with families to become self-sufficient.”
Laborers’ Local 332 is committed to helping others. We want to support the spirit of giving during this holiday season as reflected in our successful ‘Coat Drive for the Homeless’, our giving of scholarships and grants, and many other charitable activities.
Laborers’ Local 332 ‘Toys 4 Tots” Program-Holiday Toys for Kids